Collection: SAGE

Incorporating smudging into your weekly routine or meditation practice is great for purifying, banishing negative energy, and elevating your mood.


1. Assemble your equipment and plan your escape.
Above all, make sure you have all the tools listed above on hand and that you have opened a door or window before lighting up. Ultimately, there must be a way for that negativity and smoke to escape.

2. Declare your objective and recite a mantra.
Smudging is a ritual that is centered around intentions, so before you ignite the sage, consider what you specifically want to clear or release from your space. Then, select a mantra or prayer that expresses this purpose to be repeated while saging.

3. When it's time, hold the sage at a 45-degree angle, fire it with a match or candle, and let it to burn for 20 seconds or so. Next, extinguish the flame carefully until the end is covered with orange embers. Now the smoke should start to billow.

4. Move slowly through your area.
As you go slowly throughout your area, let the smoke drift in. Direct the smoke, along with any bad energy, towards an open door or window to allow it to depart.

5.Be safe
Sage burning 101: Always stay present! If you see little embers fall on the ground, tamp them out immediately. Never let the burning sage stay unattended for any reason. Also, take care not to inhale too much of the smoke..

6.Extinguish your sage
Once you're ready to extinguish a sage smudge stick, press the burning tip firmly into your fireproof vessel, dirt, or sand until the smoke no longer rises.